Rajkumari Sanatombi Devi College of Education has been established under the aegis of Leirik Memorial Charitable Society in 2004. Leirik Memorial Charitable Society is a privately funded organisation which has been actively serving the people of Manipur in the fields of health and education for the last 40 years.Starting with a small and dedicated team of Educationist, the College which is located in North AOC, Imphal has been a pioneer and it is now a leading institution in the Teacher Education field in North East India. It offers Bachelors and Master's Degree in Education.Vision... the most important consideration in formulating purpose in education is the happiness of the students themselves. Tsunesaburo Makiguchi, Japanese Educationist and Philosopher Educating young minds is the very foundation and basis of Nation Building, to that extent, Teacher Education is a key input in providing quality education and nation building. The RK Sanatombi Devi College of Education aims to equip young teachers with new, cutting edge ideas, skills and to creatively ensure adequate professional preparation. Furthermore, the College aims to also provide an environment that would enable themhone their passion for learning and develop a sensibility towards creating value for their students and in turn the Society at large. Lastly, the acquired skills and sensibilities should ultimately enable the budding educationist to be motivated change agents with a vision and positive approach to Society.Our motto of Faith, Hope and Perseverance are the Values by which the organisation and its tenets function. READ MORE